Japanese TV is not known for its quality but it at least never fails to impress with its latest nude novelties or risque antics.
Now a TV show has appeared featuring gravure idols wearing sexy bikinis. Nothing new about that. There are even shows about gravure idol in armor.
But these are “failed” gravure idols, ladies who haven’t made it big (yet). The idea is that the minor idols make their last grasp at fame on the show, wearing everything from noren (the low curtains that hang over entrances in Japan) to toilet paper, kagami mochi (a New Year decorative rice cake) or even lids of pots. Effectively they are wearing fundoshi, a traditional undergarment that can look even ridiculous or totally sexy.
The ladies include Ami Asai, Tomomi Ijuin and an unidentified third model.
Well, these sporty lasses certainly put on a good performance and can’t be criticized for not trying their best in increasingly humiliating and trying circumstances.
The svelte, generously busty Ami Asai, in particular, certainly deserves to be more popular, as these pictures attest.